1. What processes control surface mass balance (SMB) on different spatial and temporal scales from past to future?
2. What processes control polar amplification on different spatial and temporal scales from past to future?
3. How does supraglacial hydrology influence Antarctic ice sheet dynamics from past to future?
4. What drives oceanic heat exchange across the continental shelves and how does this influence the stability of marine based ice sheets from past to future?
5. What is the role of ocean dynamics within and at the margins of the ice shelf cavities from past to future?
6. What is the role of sea ice, polynyas and meltwater on controlling the flux of heat, carbon and salt between the ocean-atmosphere and implications for ice sheet stability?
7. How do ice and marine sediment records, genomic signatures and seismic stratigraphy inform us about ocean and ice sheet-ice shelf variability?
Antarctic Research Centre - Victoria University of Wellington (NZ)